What to Bring When Checking Into Treatment At Our Rehab Center
When you check in to Brazos Place you may want to pack and bring certain everyday necessities with you in order to make your transition a little easier. Conversely, Brazos Place has strict policies about what you can bring with you to our Houston residential treatment facilities. These policies are set to protect you during your stay at our inpatient residential treatment program and help you overcome your addiction to drugs and alcohol. Here is a cheat sheet on what you can bring with you during your stay during your 30-60 day residential treatment program.

Our Houston rehab center is focused on helping you reach a life free of addiction. To make this possible, we ask that all our guests follow these simple guidelines for what to bring with them during their stay at our residential treatment program.
Female Packing List:
- 7 days’ worth of clothes (all shorts must come to the knee) (1 bag or suitcase only) (no pants with holes above the knee)
- 30 Days’ worth of medication.
- All hygiene products MUST be SEALED. Brand new.
- Clear cup with lid or clear water bottle.
- All packs of cigarettes must be sealed.
- Vapes are allowed. They must be disposable and in the original package. You MUST be 21 and over to Vape/Smoke!
- Melatonin, Benadryl, or ANY PM meds are NOT allowed. (facility does provide over the counter medications)
- You can bring change/ money for the vending machines.
- You need 20.00 dollars for your “medication fund.” This goes towards any non over the counter medications/refills you may need while here.
- You can bring journaling supplies or books (please keep to a limit)
- You can bring twin bedding if clean or new (facility does supply these items) No huge comforters allowed!
- You can bring towels if you choose (facility does supply these items)
- Please only bring a small cosmetic bag (travel size) with only 7-10 items
Male Packing List:
- 7 Days’ worth of clothes. (All shorts must come to the knee) (1 bag or suitcase only) (no more than 3 tank tops/wife beaters)
- 30 Days’ worth of medication.
- All hygiene products MUST be SEALED. Brand new.
- Clear cup with lid or clear water bottle.
- All packs of cigarettes must be sealed.
- Vapes are allowed. They must be disposable and in the original package. You MUST be 21 or older to Vape/Smoke!
- Melatonin, Benadryl, or ANY PM meds are NOT allowed. (facility does provide over the counter medications)
- You can bring change/ money for the vending machines.
- You need 20.00 dollars for your “med fund.” This goes towards any non over the counter medications/refills you may need while here.
- You can bring journaling supplies or books (please keep to a limit)
- You can bring twin bedding if clean or new (facility does supply these items) No huge comforters allowed!
- You can bring towels if you choose (facility does supply these items)
- Phones must be turned off and handed over upon entering the facility.
- We do not provide razors.
Items For Recreational Breaks:
- Hats and Sunglasses
- Sunscreen
Restricted Items:
- Outside food or drinks
- Opened over the counter medications
- Illegal drugs
- Weapons
Please understand that your belongings will be checked during the admission process when you arrive at our residential treatment facility. We ask for your patience and understanding, as your safety and success are of the utmost importance to us. With your help, you will be able to find a new life of sobriety during your stay at our Houston residential treatment facility!
Why Brazos Place Works
The vision of Brazos Place is simple – developing and maintaining sobriety for men and women who struggle with addiction, one woman at a time. We enable patients with the knowledge, understanding, and skills to change behaviors, and commit to a personal program of recovery. It’s what we do every day. 24/7. Without compromise. Our integrated approach to medical detox, drug rehab, and alcohol rehab can help you find a new life. The choice is up to you.
Give us a call: 1-855-862-3278
Admission Criteria:
- Desire For Recovery: Patients should demonstrate a willingness to participate and complete the 6-week program
- Age: Adults (18 and Older)
- Gender: Male & Female
- Applicant: Individuals assessed as chemically dependent, addicted to alcohol/drugs, self-defeating behaviors and/or co-existing mental illness (dual diagnosis). Clients must be physically able to participate in all aspects of the treatment program
- Treatment For: Alcoholism, drug and other addictions and related disorders
- Medical: Upon entry, each patient will have a thorough history and physical examination. We may also request a release from the patient’s physician if there are any medical constraints to participating in our treatment. (Patients may request a Release of Information form from our Admissions Office).
- Exclusionary Criteria: Severe psychiatric disorders, including psychosis and severe clinical depression, which may require hospitalization . Chronic predisposition to destructive, aggressive or violent behavior incompatible with a group living environment
Acute or chronic medical conditions requiring constant medical attention or hospital care.
Brazos Place Houston Addiction Treatment Program
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