A Crisis Stabilization Program

A Crisis Stabilization Program

At Brazos Place our Crisis Stabilization Program serves patients ages 18 and up who are experiencing acute psychiatric disorders including severe psychosis or depression, intrusive behaviors, and/or actions (or thoughts) indicative of suicide or potential harm to others. Patients in the crisis stabilization program receive intensive psychiatric management.

The goal of treatment is to achieve stabilization as rapidly as possible for the patients who are suffering this break. Once this is achieved, we can move on to other treatment options in order to care for the patient’s ongoing mental, emotional, and physical needs – including individual therapy, group therapy, family therapy, and other customized program components to meet each patient’s unique needs.

Crisis Stabilization Program for Women | Crisis Stabilization Services & Techniques | Brazos Place

Our caring team of psychiatrists, mental health clinicians, and other key specialists work with our activity therapists and case managers to care for individuals suffering from psychosis, thoughts of suicide, and other mental health issues.

What is Crisis Stabilization?

Crisis Stabilization services are medically monitored, short-term residential services that enable psychiatric and behavioral stabilization and (to a degree) detoxification. Our crisis stabilization centers are intended for people who are experiencing acute stress that truly and measurably impairs the ability for the woman in question to cope with normal life circumstances. These services are provisioned mindfully in a safe, secure environment while under supervision from our highly-experienced team of professionals.

Our Crisis Stabilization Program places a strong emphasis on accomplishing the following goals:

  • Providing a safe, structured and supportive environment
  • Stabilizing the present crisis
  • Reducing the frequency of admission to hospitalized care
  • Facilitating appropriate links and outlets with community resources
  • Educating consumers and families about mental illness and substance abuse.
  • Providing information on how to cope with the illness (or cause).
  • Transitioning to a less intensive level of service

Patients who no longer need crisis stabilization services but who require continued care will be referred and treated through our outpatient services and/or community support services if deemed appropriate.

Crisis Stabilization Techniques & Models

Beyond providing rapid response to patients who are in urgent need of crisis stabilization services, the process of dealing with acute behavioral issues that arise requires not only expert help to achieve full recovery, but a cohesive framework that utilizes a suite of crisis stabilization techniques and models. Regardless of the the nuances involved in each cases, there are three widely accepted goals which guide the usage of crisis stabilization techniques used in most crisis intervention cases:

  1. Mitigate impact of event.
  2. Facilitate normal recovery.
  3. Restore adaptive function.

In addition to these core goals, crisis intervention techniques used with each patient should also follow these seven principles:

  • Simplicity: Simple procedures work best in a crisis and have the best chance of a positive effect.
  • Brevity: Psychological first aid needs to be short in duration, from mere minutes up to an hour.
  • Innovation: Creativity is key as specific instructions do not exist for every case or circumstance.
  • Pragmatism: Keeping directives practical limit feelings frustrated and being out of control.
  • Proximity: Providing support services close to the person’s normal area of function.
  • Immediacy: Getting services going right away so delays don’t undermine the effectiveness.
  • Expectancy: Setting expectations of a reasonable positive outcome.

No matter what, we believe that the men and women in crisis need encouragement to recognize and internalize that help is present, and that with it comes hope,… which many times can lead to self-fulfilling belief that the situation they are undergoing is, in fact, manageable.

The most important thing about proximity is that support must be given in a safe zone,” according to the book Prehospital Behavioral Emergencies and Crisis Response.

At Brazos Place, our crisis intervention techniques are key to making sure that each person who seeks our help has the best chance of crisis stabilization and recovery with minimal risk to herself and loved ones along the way. Do you know someone who may be headed for an acute mental break or episode? Call us up. Brazos Place is here to help.

Group of people comforting an old man

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Admission Criteria:
  • Adults 18 years of age or older
  • Screened by staff
  • Medically Stable
  • Desires treatment


Give our dedicated team a call to learn more about our program and receive a free confidential assessment.

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