What is Cocaine Jaw Featured Image

What is Cocaine Jaw? | Coke Jaw | Cocaine Addiction

Identifying Symptoms of Cocaine Jaw Individuals experiencing cocaine jaw may notice a variety of symptoms that can affect their comfort, oral health, and overall well-being. These symptoms include: The Causes Behind Cocaine Jaw Cocaine jaw develops as a result of the stimulant properties of cocaine. When someone uses cocaine, it increases neurotransmitter activity in the brain, leading to heightened alertness, …

Exploring Study Drugs Featured Image

Study Drugs Addiction Among Students

Types of Study Drugs Risks and Side Effects The misuse of study drugs or smart drugs carries significant health risks and potential negative effects. Without a prescription, students risk addiction, mental health issues, and a range of physical side effects. Stimulants like amphetamines and methylphenidates can cause irregular heartbeat and blood pressure, leading to cardiovascular problems. Stimulant drugs can also …